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Founded by Rich Bendis

As a Venture Partner at XSeed Capital, sitting on the other side of the table from bright entrepreneurs with really intriguing ideas is a lot of fun for me. But, I’ve also been the one raising rounds for my startups. Here are some tips that have become a lot more obvious and important to me, now that I’ve seen hundreds of presentations:

First, put the details on the table As one of our executives-in-residence says, “Tell me in your first minute how much you’re raising, how much you have committed, and what you’re going to do with the money.” That may seem to an entrepreneur like a detail for later in the presentation, but you’re pitching people whose job it is to put their Limited Partners’ money to work. They see far more deals than they fund. They care about the details of this round a lot. This is a simple, quick way for you to put yourself ahead of most presenters while establishing empathy and respect with your audience.

Image Courtesy of David Castillo Dominici /

To read the full, original article click on this link: VC perspective: The 3 things I want to hear first in a pitch | VentureBeat