Innovation America Innovation America Accelerating the growth of the GLOBAL entrepreneurial innovation economy
Founded by Rich Bendis

I am so proud to have been a mobilizer and connector for Citizen Schools for close to 19 years. Now, with excitement and nostalgia, I'm moving to a new Role at the MIT Media Lab.

When I first rolled up my sleeves to help launch Citizen Schools in Boston close to half my lifetime ago, the US population was 50 million less than today, the world wide web was a few months old, and "Babe" and "Braveheart" were up for Oscars. Now, Citizen Schools is is an American institution that is changing the vector of education and community. I am so proud of where Citizen Schools has come from and where it is going, and I'm grateful to you for joining the movement to bring citizens into schools.

Image Courtesy of nuttakit /

To read the original article: ▶ 1000 pix celebrating my 1000 weeks at Citizen Schools, by John Werner - YouTube