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Back when I was in high school and college, I was definitely someone who ate much more after school and at dinnertime than I did earlier in the day. In high school, I'd come home ravenous and eat a snack that was more like a meal. And I'd usually top that off with a hearty home-cooked dinner my mother made.

In college, all bets were off. Depending on the day, I'd start with a small breakfast (usually just cereal and milk or scrambled eggs and toast), have a large lunch and an even bigger dinner. And like many college students who are awake for far more hours than they should be, I had lots of midday snacks and often took to feasting late at night on pizza or cheese fries. Did I mention I was overweight most of my high school and early college years?

Image Courtesy of zirconicusso /

To read the original article: 3 Tips For Becoming A Daytime Eater - Business Insider