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When To Lean In To An Unpaid Internship And When Not To Fast Company Business Innovation, a nonprofit founded in concert with Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg's inspirational business best-seller for women, posted seeking an unpaid intern in New York.

The irony is rich: Sandberg is a billionaire who sold off $91 million worth of Facebook stock just this week and has a nonprofit that is dedicated to, according to its website, "offering women the ongoing inspiration and support to help them achieve their goals." The book, as well as the network of Lean In support circles Sandberg encouraged women across the country to create, is reportedly inspiring women to ask for more money at work. So, to recruit an unpaid intern may seem a little off-brand.

To read the original article: When To "Lean In" To An Unpaid Internship--And When Not To | Fast Company | Business + Innovation