Innovation America Innovation America Accelerating the growth of the GLOBAL entrepreneurial innovation economy
Founded by Rich Bendis

After adjusting for city size, Boulder, Colorado, has a rate of high-tech business formation that is more than six times the U.S. average. Source: City of Boulder

When most people think of the world's hottest startup scenes, Silicon Valley, New York and Boston are likely to come to mind. So it might seem strange that a new global startup conference, Startup Phenomenon, has chosen Boulder, Colo. as its host city.

Only it shouldn't. According to a recent report by the Kauffman Foundation, Boulder has the greatest density of high-tech startups of any metropolitan area in the United States. That's right even more than Silicon Valley, which comes in at No. 3 on the list.

To read the original article: New Global Conference for Tech Startups Lands in Unexpected U.S. City |