Innovation America Innovation America Accelerating the growth of the GLOBAL entrepreneurial innovation economy
Founded by Rich Bendis

There is no doubt that more and more entrepreneurs are scaling the  Internet for opportunities that will make them rich in the shortest  amount of time possible. Getting rich quick is one of the most prevalent misconceptions that business owners and developers had in mind when  thinking about online entrepreneurship. It could because of the minimal  requirement in terms of start-up capital or less demand on technical  expertise or low-cost operation. Often, the essence of finding  fulfillment in their chosen business industry or market has to take a  backseat for the idea of building ROIs in a lightning-fast manner.  Little these entrepreneurs know that when it comes to a longer lasting  business, there is more to success and fulfillment than just counting  returns on investment. If your aim is to do business online is focused  solely on getting rich quick, be prepared to fail.

Image Courtesy of Stuart Miles /

To read the full, original article click on this link: 7 Skills for Successful Internet Entrepreneurship : Under30CEO