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Despite a slate of new products that promise a new generation of human-computer interaction, no company has yet been able to resolutely slay the decades-old desktop mouse. Now a company called Ractiv thinks their new device, dubbed Haptix--which turns any surface into a 3-D multi-touch one--can eliminate the standard desktop’s tappy-navigation tool for good.

Earlier forays into this area have gotten mixed reviews. When Leap Motion, the most hyped of these next-generation interaction products, launched their motion gesture controller in July, the reviews were nearly unanimous: It’s a lot of work for developers to integrate into their apps, and equally demanding for users, their arms hovering outstretched above their keyboards, to control.

To read the full, original article click on this link: Will This Interactive Device Finally Kill The Mouse? ⚙ Co.Labs ⚙ code + community