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Biotech venture capitalists have been busy selling companies and taking them public lately, but investors such as Clarus Ventures are experimenting with strategies that enable them to rely less on the public markets and corporate acquirers.

Leonhard Foeger/Reuters Clarus has had its share of biotech success lately, including the sale of Pearl Therapeutics Inc. to AstraZenecaAZN.LN -0.94% PLC in June. But given that investors generally have struggled to profit from biotech deals in recent years, the firm doesn’t want to depend entirely on the usual exit routes. One alternative strategy that’s starting to pay off involves helping pharmaceutical companies solve their R&D cash crunch.

Image Courtesy of Stuart Miles /

To read the full, original article click on this link: Biotech VCs Explore New Twists to Find Returns, Including Bankrolling Pharma R&D - Venture Capital Dispatch - WSJ

Stuart Miles