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Staying MotivatedSome of you may know that I work very closely with this guy, Permjot Valia on a number of projects, (he is also an investor in Wooshii)

He recently posted a really neat blog over at The original is here but I wanted to comment on some of it here as it smack of some really great truths.

Some businesses have been having a particular hard time of it recently, (economic downturns and recessions have that effect). From downturns though comes massive opportunity and the big winners of the coming 20 years will undoubtedly be born in the coming two.

So how do you keep going as an entrepreneur when your current business has just failed or is failing? How do you find the power and inspiration to reinvent or push on through? Below are Permjots views. My view is that entrepreneurs will have some of this inherently but as I am big believer that entrepreneurship can be taught many of the suggestions below are great to reflect on. Mine are in brackets.

To read the full, original article click on this link: Staying Motivated | Fergus Dyer-Smith

Author: Fergus