Innovation America Innovation America Accelerating the growth of the GLOBAL entrepreneurial innovation economy
Founded by Rich Bendis


Last spring Mark Suster posted “Morning In Venture Capital”, where he spoke of good times returning. Alas, the venture spring that Mark evoked seems to be New England spring: cold and rainy, taking longer than we had hoped. A quick look at the industry statistics makes this plain.

Fund raising is the vital statistic: without LPs (limited partners) there are no VCs (venture capitalists). Chart 1 shows the amount of money raised into U.S. venture funds from 2003 (the bottom of the trough following the tech bubble) to June, 2013. Venture fund-raising recovered after the tech bubble and then collapsed during the global financial crisis (“GFC”) of 2008-2009. It has not recovered again.

Graph: Funds raised by U.S. venture capital funds. 2013 is first half annualized. Data via NVCA. Source (