Innovation America Innovation America Accelerating the growth of the GLOBAL entrepreneurial innovation economy
Founded by Rich Bendis

CEO of Campus Apartments and this year’s 2013 NFTE Philadelphia Visionary Gala honoree, David Adelman started early. At age 13, he invested his Bar Mitzvah money in a property in Philadelphia, and by age 25, he took over Campus Apartments, functioning as CEO ever since. And he’s not alone. In fact, many entrepreneurs working today equate their success to an early pioneering spirit.

That’s one reason why NFTE Philadelphia has recently tripled its reach in middle schools to teach the basic vocabulary of entrepreneurship to students at younger ages. In addition to exposing young minds to business fundamentals, NFTE will pilot the national Start Up Math program in Philadelphia next school year to sharpen math skills and open the door to more opportunities for more students. The ultimate goal is to help young entrepreneurs recognize applications for their education from an earlier age and make the most of their middle- and high-school classes.

Image Courtesy of Arvind Balaraman /