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New Report from Battelle, AURP Outlines Research Park Contributions to Economic Growth

The Association of University Research Parks (AURP) and Battelle Technology Partnership's collaborative report "Driving Regional Innovation and Growth" was released today at the AURP 2013 International Conference in Philadelphia, PA.

Highlights of the report, based on a survey of North American university research parks, reveal:

  • The creation of an environment that encourages innovation and entrepreneurship is the top priority of university research parks.
  • Innovation-driving services are offered by nearly all university research parks.
  • In the last five years, 963 new businesses have graduated from the responding research parks' incubators or related startup space. Only 19 percent of these startup companies were no longer in business, compared to the national statistic of over 50 percent.
  • Average job gains for research parks over the period 2007 to 2012 were 27 percent, well outperforming the economy overall (as based on 85 university research parks who responded to a similar survey back in 2007).

A full copy of "Driving Regional Innovation and Growth" can be found at and Sponsors of the report include and The University Financing Foundation and The University City Science Center.
