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I [Eric Wesoff] wrote a mildly antagonistic profile of star investor Vinod Khosla last week as part of our "Green Kingpins" series.  Mr. Khosla responded with a well-thought-out and reasonable rebuttal, which we print here in its entirety.

To review the issues you raised:

Khosla is somewhat of a contrarian and can always be counted on to say
something that doesn't agree with the conventional wisdom. Actually
sometimes he says things that don't agree with things he's said.

Absolutely -- especially the latter line. I've always maintained that all  forecasts are wrong -- including mine, as I stated at the ARPA-E conference last week. The ability to learn from mistakes is an importantone. That being said, I think the examples you cite do not meet the threshold of disagreeing with myself.

To  read the full, original article click on this link: Star Investor Vinod Khosla Responds : Greentech Media

Author:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , Vinod Khosla