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Traditional business cards and CDs-as-business-cards are dangerous because:

1. They assume old-style communication: I have a message for you.

This is a transactional view of communication. If you simply put your card in someone's hand as a way of marketing, chances are it will end in the trash can when your back is turned.

To ensure your card becomes a treasured artifact and entered into someone's Rolodex you must generate value on the spot, interacting with the other person and creating something they can use. This is what I call generative communication. When you want to hand someone your business card, ask first, "Have I generated value for this person?" If you can't answer that question in the affirmative, why should they take your card other than politeness?

To read the full, original article click on this link: 3 Reasons Business Cards are Dangerous | Leading Change | Fast Company

Author: Seth Kahan