Innovation America Innovation America Accelerating the growth of the GLOBAL entrepreneurial innovation economy
Founded by Rich Bendis


From the late Steve  Jobs to Twitter’s Jack Dorsey, certain entrepreneurs seem to spring from the  womb predisposed to success. Not only are they exceptionally smart, but they  also have a dogged belief in their own abilities and a similar unrelenting  passion for achieving their vision.

Put simply, they don’t do things like “regular” people. Case in point: Los  Altos, Calif.-based Aaron Levie, the 28-year-old co-founder of online  data-storage company Box, now  valued at more than $1 billion. As a student at the University of Southern  California, Levie shunned the typical college social scene. “If people were  going out on Saturday night, I preferred to be on my computer and working on the  next internet idea,” he says. “I just recognized that I was a bit different than  everyone else.”
