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Downtown Los Angeles and Palm TreesLos Angeles. People either love it or hate it. All the stereotypes and caricatures are overblown. And we’re left with a city with idyllic weather, major commerce, the media center of the world, and a great emerging technology scene. We have an abundance of ethnicities, culinary options, music and culture. Randy Newman said it best,“I love LA” (Worth a 2 minute watch for pure nostalgia. Go on, have a bit of fun down memory lane!).  I was raised in NorCal (born in Philly – go Eagles!) so I feel I have an unbiased appreciation for BOTH Californias.

I was recently interviewed for an article that appeared in Fast Company titled, “Why you should start a business in LA.”  If you’re interested in the topic it’s worth a read, but I thought I’d elaborate on the topic since it comes up all the time.

First, I’d like to quote (paraphrase) Brad Feld speaking at Twiistup in LA in 2009, “I keep hearing people in LA talking with a chip on their shoulders about building a tech business here relative to Silicon Valley.  I have one message for you, ‘get over it!’ ”  His message was that in 2010 great business can be built anywhere if there is a great team and the will to make it work.

To read the full, original article click on this link: Want to Start a Technology Company in LA?

Author: Mark Suster