Innovation America Innovation America Accelerating the growth of the GLOBAL entrepreneurial innovation economy
Founded by Rich Bendis


The Life Sciences Discovery Fund (LSDF), a Washington state grant-making authority, supports research and development to improve health and health care, stimulate economic activity, and promote life sciences competitiveness.

The following types of grants are available:

  • Proof of Concept grants to enhance the commercial viability of intellectual property developed by non-profit organizations or to enhance the competitiveness of early-stage companies for private equity investment (awards made to non- and for-profit entities, not to exceed $250,000);
  • Opportunity grants to capitalize on projects that offer LSDF the ability to leverage its funds against those invested contemporaneously by other sources (awards made to non- and for-profit entities, not to exceed $1,400,000).

Up to $7,000,000 will be available for award through September 2013. As awards are made, the remaining balance of funds will be available at