Innovation America Innovation America Accelerating the growth of the GLOBAL entrepreneurial innovation economy
Founded by Rich Bendis

On the way to work this morning, I had a call with a fellow entrepreneur (we’ll call John for the purposes of this post) that is getting his tech startup off the ground.  I’ve been very impressed with the vision of his company and his approach to validating the idea in the market.  During a lunch meeting he had yesterday, a wealthy friend of his liked his company so much that he offered to invest $100k to help him finish product development and get the idea into market.  While John was excited about the offer, he was filled with nervousness because he didn’t know how to respond.  He wasn’t sure if his friend was his first choice for a new investment partner, but didn’t want to dismiss the offer either.

Image Courtesy of Stuart Miles /

To read the original article: 4 Tips To Raising Seed Stage Capital For Your Startup - Forbes