Innovation America Innovation America Accelerating the growth of the GLOBAL entrepreneurial innovation economy
Founded by Rich Bendis

Year after year, our Global Innovation 1000 study has demonstrated that it is not how much companies spend on research and development that determines success—what really matters is how those R&D funds are invested in capabilities, talent, process, and tools. In addition to our recurring analysis of R&D spending trends, our ninth annual study of the world’s 1,000 largest publicly listed corporate R&D spenders focuses on the digital enablers of the innovation process: how the most successful companies are—and aren’t—using digital tools and processes to improve speed, decrease cost, enhance quality, reduce complexity, and sharpen insight into customer and market needs to improve their innovation efforts.

Image Courtesy of jscreationzs /

To read the original article: Innovation 1000 Study | 2013 | Booz & Company