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What do the growth metrics in the state look like for 2014?

We look at job growth and investment as the two primary metrics. In terms of job growth, I think the forecast is in the range of 60,000 jobs to be added to Michigan’s workforce in 2014. Manufacturing is still very big and very important, and it’s an area where we have to continue to invest a lot of our time and effort because it has such a positive impact overall. But it’s not just the auto sector. This includes the furniture industry, which is still very large in our state, and it includes medical devices. Our agriculture sector is very important to our state, and I think it’s our second largest industry. And then tourism continues to be an extremely bright spot where we continue to show double-digit growth … year over year.


To read the original article: Economic development forecast: Mike Finney, President & CEO, MEDC, Lansing