Innovation America Innovation America Accelerating the growth of the GLOBAL entrepreneurial innovation economy
Founded by Rich Bendis

The Indian start-up ecosystem is still in its nascence unlike the Silicon Valley where the ecosystem is mature. Yet this in itself has not stopped the entry of multiple accelerators into the ecosystem. Innovation being one of the keys to succeed, major corporations across the world cutting across sectors are planning to set up accelerators. Recently, Target, a retail giant, announced its plans to start an accelerator in India. Not to mention the existing accelerators such as Microsoft Ventures, Tlabs, GSF, etc. While technology companies like Intel, SAP, Qualcomm, etc, have invested in Indian start-ups, non-tech companies such as Target and Coca Cola have also proposed to venture into the accelerator space.

Image Courtesy of nikorn /

To read the original article: Pushing start-up accelerators - Financial Express