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websites for green businessesAccess to information and resources that help small businesses become environmentally friendlier keeps getting easier.

A growing array of websites are offering businesses help reducing their environmental footprint – or at least providing some guidance and information to do it themselves.

Here are five websites worth at least checking out:

Database of State Incentives for Renewables & Efficiency – Want to know what incentives government or your utility company offers your business for installing an energy-efficient heating system or putting solar panels on the roof? This site provides a comprehensive, yet easy-to-use, national database of incentives for taking steps to save energy.

GreenBiz – Read up on the latest trends in sustainable business practices and see what successful practices other companies, large and small, are employing. is a clearinghouse of news, advice and resources that keeps the pulse of green business.

To read the full, original article click on this link: 5 Sites to Help Make Your Business Greener | Small Business Trends

Author: Kelly Spors