Tapping into Europe's multi-billion euro public procurement market
will be a central component of the EU's forthcoming research and
innovation plan, but risk aversion in the public sector remains a major
barrier to change.
The construction, healthcare and communication technology sectors are among the areas where public authorities can have a major influence on market developments because they are often the largest single purchaser.
Experts and policymakers at a conference in Brussels agreed that public procurement should be used to promote innovation, but there were concerns that the culture in the public sector is not well suited to commissioning innovative projects.
John Connaughton, a UK-based management consultant working on public procurement projects, said the process of winning government contracts can be lengthy and often favours established firms rather than dynamic start-ups.
To read the full, original article click on this link: Innovation hampered by 'risk averse' public authorities | EurActiv
Author: EurActiv