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Zohar Gilon and Yossi Vardi are at the apex of angels - private high-tech investors who usually participate in early-stage financing rounds in companies - but are a mirror image of each other in character and business. Vardi is well known, has frequent media exposure, and diversifies his (usually very small) investments among a large number of early-stage companies, and often loss the money. Gilon is media shy, refuses to give interviews, acts discretely, invests various amounts in companies at different stages, and his name has come up in connection with quite a few past and present Israeli high-tech successes. His standing has changed in the past few years. Few are the entrepreneurs who have not heard about him, and quotes and interviews already appear in the press. Yet, to hear Gilon speak openly and for the record about his experiences from more than 20 years of investment in 160 Israeli high-tech companies is very rare indeed.

Image Courtesy of David Castillo Dominici /