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state-of-the-planet-20101What is the state of the planet in 2010? The Economist, The Earth Institute at Columbia University, and Ericsson held a conference last week in an attempt to answer that question. Climate change showed up in each of the four sessions, which covered poverty, economic recovery, and international systems as well. What were the experts talking about?

Three main themes emerged from the panels. They included the need to communicate better with the public about the effects and science of climate change, region-specific clean energy technology, and how to craft an effective global climate treaty.

Communicating Climate Science

The first panel of the day at the State of the Planet was devoted exclusively to climate change. It featured Mark Cane and Wallace Broecker, two climate scientists from Columbia University as well as panels in New Delhi and Beijing. Mr. Cane first brought up the challenge of communicating climate research. He stated that scientists are "not the right people" to convey messages about scientific findings and their policy applications.

To read the full, original article click on this link: Climate Change | State of the Planet 2010: What's Up With Climate Change?

Author: Brian Kahn