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1. GOPRO For letting everyone in on the extreme-sports video action. Few companies have built their brand identity on the back of content as completely and entertainingly as the San Mateo, California–based camera maker. It's no surprise that a personal high-definition video camera brand founded by a surfer would use action-packed footage as a marketing tool. But GoPro has gone above and beyond amateur and professional sports activities to inspire viral hits. Just hop over to YouTube to see a music video directed by a dog, a fireman saving a kitten, or an eagle's-eye view of flight. Success is measured in views and sales, but when your brand name becomes a verb, you know you're onto something. Later this year, the brand will take another bold step by introducing a GoPro digital channel to Xbox 360 and Xbox One.


To read the original article: The World's Top 10 Most Innovative Companies in Advertising | Fast Company | Business + Innovation