Innovation America Innovation America Accelerating the growth of the GLOBAL entrepreneurial innovation economy
Founded by Rich Bendis

You’ve quit your corporate job because it was giving you weekly ulcers and you were tired of being told what to do.

Now, you run your own business. You are an entrepreneur, you are a leader and it’s your turn to tell others what to do.

It feels good. You are free. You are proud.

You are very busy. There are tons of email to answer everyday, phone calls to make, meetings to attend, people to direct, watch and help. So many people. Sometimes it seems like everyone around you needs you. They all want something from you. The phone rings, you spit your coffee, you don’t know if you’re going to make the numbers you wished this month, too many Facebook notifications, tweets, Instagram pictures. Your vision narrows, your head starts spinning, you feel this familiar tightness in your chest and suddenly you know…

Image Courtesy of Ambro /

To read the original article: You are Addicted to Stress: Why and How to Change It : Under30CEO