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Making Business Plans EasyIs there anything more frightening to a business owner than this question:  Do you have a business plan?”

Well, not having enough money to pay your bills, or getting threatened by legal actions are also frightening.  But since I’m reviewing “The One Page Business Plan for Women in Business,” I’ll stick with the first example.

Let’s deal with the elephant in the room first.  If we’re not approaching someone for financing, do we really need a business plan?

The short answer is yes. Every business should have one.  And I would say, as would the authors of this book, that for most businesses, the one page business plan is sufficient.

I [Margie Zable Fisher] was sent this book by one of the authors, Tamara Monosoff, who has written several other great books for women business owners.  This time she teamed up with “One Page Business Plan” expert Jim Horan to create a book specifically for women in business.

To read the full, original article click on this link: Making Business Plans Easy | Small Business Trends

Author: Margie Zable Fisher