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BusinessWeek Logo Eight years ago, Hamilton Chan faced the daunting task of turning around his father's 30-year-old commercial printing business and shoring up its flagging customer base. Five years later, the Los Angeles company he had grown up working in was back in the black.

So Chan started all over, founding a second company, online stationery seller He is CEO of both companies and employs 22, with three individuals working solely for Paperspring and "lots of overlap" among the others.

When is one company just not enough? In Chan's case, the moment arrived when he needed a new challenge.

"When you inherit a legacy business, you're still jonesing to create something of your own," says Chan, a Harvard-educated lawyer and investment banker. "You really learn from past mistakes and you develop experience as an entrepreneur that you'd love to parlay into something that would be ideal—if only you could start from scratch."

To read the full, original article click on this link: Managing Multiple Businesses - BusinessWeek

Author: Karen E. Klein