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Starting your own business can be one of the best decisions you ever make in your life. There are many advantages to starting your own business such as independence and control over your potential salary. While all of these benefits are great, there is a lot of misinformation about what it takes to become an entrepreneur. (Find out if you have what it takes in Are You An Entrepreneur?)

In Pictures:
8 Tips For Starting Your Own Business

Have you ever been told that it takes a lot of money to start a business? Have you ever been told that you need a MBA to start a company? Myths like these keep potential business owners from taking the plunge into entrepreneurship and becoming their own bosses. You may think that you know all of the basics for starting a business but what you believe may in fact be wrong.

To read the full, original article click on this link: Top 7 Myths About Starting A Business

Author: Mark Riddix