Innovation America Innovation America Accelerating the growth of the GLOBAL entrepreneurial innovation economy
Founded by Rich Bendis


Over the past few years, San Francisco has gradually started to view itself as part of Silicon Valley.

It’s not.

Yes, tech plays a much bigger role in San Francisco than it has in the past. The number of tech workers in the city has sharply increased, from 3 percent of the workforce in 2000 to 6 percent today, according to The New York Times‘ Nick Bilton, a relative newcomer to this city. (Yet those tech workers apparently represent 100 percent of the restaurant and coffee shop clientele, Bilton writes.) Major tech companies now have their headquarters here, including and Twitter. The business climate is very startup-friendly, and a host of incubators and co-working spaces make it easy for entrepreneurs to set up shop.

Image: Tesla Motors: Located in Silicon Valley, and still working on "hard" problems. Image Credit: Windell Oskay