Innovation America Innovation America Accelerating the growth of the GLOBAL entrepreneurial innovation economy
Founded by Rich Bendis

World_flags_400My upcoming book, The New Polymath due in June, has case studies on Kleiner Perkins,, Plantronics and plenty of discussions of Google, Apple and other Valley innovators. But it also showcases plenty of innovation in places in the rest of the globe.

Here are a few of the many examples across the book (and plenty more in book on Brazil, Israel, S. Korea and 30 more countries):

  • Estonia, in a hurry to escape its communist detour, is one of the most “wired” countries in the world. It’s “Tiigrihüppe” (tiger leap) initiative provides a prototype of the digital life citizens in most other countries will achieve in a decade. More than 90% of bank transactions are conducted online. Tallinn (the capital)’s citizens pay for their parking tickets and their bus passes by sending text messages from their mobile phones. They elect their representatives from their home computers. Parliamentary and town hall debates are now recorded without producing any paper trail.

To read the full, original article click on this link: Innovation Far from Silicon Valley

Author: Vinnie Mirchandani