Innovation America Innovation America Accelerating the growth of the GLOBAL entrepreneurial innovation economy
Founded by Rich Bendis


In an effort to boost U.S. manufacturing, President Obama recently announced the opening of two new manufacturing innovation hubs. The hubs will serve as institutions to increase manufacturing technology in the U.S. and will create local jobs for middle-class workers.

The first innovation hubs to open will operate in Chicago and Detroit. These will be led by the Department of Defense and backed by more than $280 million in combined private and public funds. Both institutions will bring together universities, non-profit organizations, and companies, which can all contribute and benefit from the hubs. Additionally, the hubs will allow students, engineers, and workers of all skill levels to learn from and work with cutting-edge technology. The hubs will also help small businesses thrive by allowing them access to the latest manufacturing technology.


To read the original article: PCBDESIGN007 Two New Innovation Hubs Announced by Obama