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JIM KOCH FOUNDER, BOSTON BEER COMPANY, BOSTON, MASS. My day moves fast, and is often dictated by priority items from various internal teams. Each morning I keep myself on track by writing down three to five of my must-do items for the day on a Post-It note. (I used to use a small notepad but when I spilled beer on it, I wiped out a bunch of pages. If I wipe out one Post-it, it’s easy to grab another one.)

These are important, but not necessarily urgent items. Once my day gets going, I keep the list close by as a reminder--it’s easy to let these sit or delay and put them off for another day, but I make it a priority to cross them off my list before the end of each day.

Image: - Jim Koch 

To read the original article: What Successful Leaders' To-Do Lists Look Like | Fast Company | Business + Innovation