Innovation America Innovation America Accelerating the growth of the GLOBAL entrepreneurial innovation economy
Founded by Rich Bendis


Entrepreneur, writer and academic Vivek Wadhwa, known for his work at Singularity University and writing on high skilled immigration, said it best in Moscow when he said “we don’t need governments to solve our problems anymore; we have entrepreneurs for that”.

This message set the tone for the first day of the Congress that focused on policy and programs that run up against age-old, intractable roadblocks for entrepreneurs in cities and communities around the globe. The example of Italy’s recent startup legislation overhaul, as outlined by Italy’s lead startup policy guru, Alessandro Fusacchia and Start-Up Chile founder Nicolás Shea, offered GEC delegates evidence that smart pro-entrepreneur policymaking is politically possible.


To read the original article: National Boundaries are Porous for Global Entrepreneurs -