Innovation America Innovation America Accelerating the growth of the GLOBAL entrepreneurial innovation economy
Founded by Rich Bendis

A new innovation economy is emerging from the ashes of the global crisis, turning the age-old practice of economic development upside down and challenging international organizations and regions to embrace an adapt-or-perish strategy in the face of new economic realities.

In this brave new world, knowledge is king, and by extension, universities, and their like, are becoming central players in an emerging, global revitalization network. Innovation is the new currency of commerce

Called a "new paradigm" by some, this new economic order also celebrates geographic location as a center of both knowledge and connectedness.

The latter is is a very different algorithm from the sum-of-all-incentives equation that has driven economic development decisions for decades, if not centuries, observers note.

To read the full, original article click on this link: Innovation economy rocks develoment landscape |

Author: The Next Silicon Valley