Good Company Ventures is hosting its Philly launch event about social entrepreneurship and mission-driven investment. Then the party moves to Ladder 15 for the Philly Startup Leaders happy hour.
5:00 Registration
5:30 Introductions -- Beth Cohen
GoodCompany 2009 Company Speed Pitches
GoodCompany 2010 Social Impact Incubator -- Garrrett Melby, Chris Bentley
Missioneurs -- Blake Jennelle
6:15 Panel Discussion -- Venture Capital as Engine of Social Innovation
Josh Kopelman, Gil Beyda, Nate Lentz, Len Lodish, Tom Balderston, Jacob Gray (Moderator)
7:15 Networking Reception
To read the full, original article click on this link: TicketLeap :: Get Tickets to "The Launch of the 2010 GoodCompany Incubator" in "Philadelphia", "19103"