Innovation America Innovation America Accelerating the growth of the GLOBAL entrepreneurial innovation economy
Founded by Rich Bendis

Washington State faces an unprecedented economic crisis and significant revenue shortfalls. Economic recovery and job creation are the top priority. The Commission’s first round recommendations released in February, 2009, focused on augmenting three interdependent components of the innovation ecosystem: talent, investment and infrastructure. Taken together these form the pillars of a new, comprehensive and integrated strategy for economic development. The 2010 legislative priorities adopted by the Commission advance the implementation of this cohesive strategy for the Washington Innovation Economy.

  • Commitment to an innovation based economic development strategy;
  • Aligning state agencies with the economic development strategy;
  • Strengthening local leadership and innovation ecosystems from the bottom‐up;
  • Investments in programs that yield a high return (and similarly reducing investments with low or no
  • return);
  • Well designed and timely outcome metrics;
  • Constant adaption to global trends, technologies and market conditions.

The Commission’s first round recommendations released in February, 2009, focused on augmenting three interdependent components of the ecosystem which innovation needs to thrive: talent, investment and infrastructure. Taken together these form the pillars of the comprehensive and integrated approach the Commission has adopted. Below are the 2010 legislative priorities supported by the Commission.

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