Innovation America Innovation America Accelerating the growth of the GLOBAL entrepreneurial innovation economy
Founded by Rich Bendis

Imagine what happens when the intelligence of 900 million people is unlocked, and the untapped reserves of a continent's innovation flow freely. Building the developed world as we know it required linking speculative capital to people with brilliant, unproven ideas. Africa is home to untold numbers of people harboring spectacular ideas, yet the continent and indeed, the world, reap far too little of what African innovation could produce due to a lack of investment in its entrepreneurs.

While Africa has an active microfinance space and emerging mid-size private equity sector, there is a gaping "missing middle" in Africa's capital markets that includes seed stage angel investment and early stage venture capital. The existence of a major gap in the financial markets of the world's second most populous continent is a serious problem: seed and early stage investment are major drivers of any robust entrepreneurial economy, and entrepreneurship is the most important force for sustainable job creation in the world.

To read the full, original article click on this link: Three Steps To Unleashing Africa's Genius | Social Entrepreneurship |

Author: Brett Shere