Innovation America Innovation America Accelerating the growth of the GLOBAL entrepreneurial innovation economy
Founded by Rich Bendis


Contrary to popular belief, it’s much harder to build scale in a business than to start one.

Like most successful entrepreneurs, Parikshat Laxminarayan started off his entrepreneurial journey by noticing a gap that he knew could be filled by anyone determined enough to throw down some cash and chase the dream. During his MBA at INSEAD, he travelled to his native India with several classmates and while there, one of them observed that what he’d experienced in India was vastly different to what he’d expected. The classmate experienced a clean, green and vibrant country; which broke his stereotype of India as hot, poor and dry – which of course is true of many parts of the country. Laxminarayan spotted a business opportunity in that observation!


To read the original article: From Start-Up to Scaling Up | INSEAD Knowledge