Innovation America Innovation America Accelerating the growth of the GLOBAL entrepreneurial innovation economy
Founded by Rich Bendis

Position: CEO of a breakthrough idea/company

Hours: 60-90 hours per week

Reports to: Board of Directors: 3-5 people who are great and supportive but will also drive you nuts because the whole reason you quit your job to start a company was to not have a boss and now you have 3-5 bosses. Technically speaking, they also could possibly hire in your replacement. (Hey, they’re not your friends; nor are they even the shareholders’ friends; their legal obligation is to consider the best interests of the company as a whole). For the high growth route, a Board is totally worth it because the right Board of Directors extends your reach and knowledge immeasurably.

Company Description: Acme Startup is a totally new, breakthrough idea that will grow to $50 million or more in revenues and will fundamentally change the industry in question. It will be in its industry what Southwest was to airlines, Starbucks was to coffee, Facebook was to social networking, and Amgen is to therapeutics.


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Author: Becca Braun