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Lily Warren, right, and her two younger sisters, Chloe and Sophie, have been in the beeswax business since 2009. The Littleton, Colorado, sisters make lip balm and lotion bars using the beeswax left over from their parents' hives. They call themselves the Sweet Bee Sisters.

(CNN) -- Lily Warren was just 8 years old when she decided to start her own business with her younger sisters.

The girls had already visited a marketplace for young business owners and opened their own bank accounts at the Young Americans Bank in Denver, which touts itself as the world's only bank designed for kids.

"There were tons of young entrepreneurs selling what they made. It was a really cool place," said Lily, now 13.

Image: - Lily Warren, right, and her two younger sisters, Chloe and Sophie, have been in the beeswax business since 2009. The Littleton, Colorado, sisters make lip balm and lotion bars using the beeswax left over from their parents' hives. They call themselves the Sweet Bee Sisters.