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Today at its Mountain View headquarters, Google is holding a special event for CIOs called Atmosphere. The event revolves around cloud-based services like Google Apps and Docs, and Google has an impressive roster of speakers lined up. In a panel called “Google’s Innovators”, some of Google’s most prominent engineers took the stage to talk about the future of the Cloud and a variety of other topics, including HTMl5 vs native applications, net neutrality, and more. My live notes are below.

Vint Cerf, Chief Internet Evangelist
Alan Eustace, SVP, Engineering & Research
Jeff Huber, SVP, Engineering
Moderator: Dave Girouard, President, Google Enterprise.

Q: What are you most proud of seeing during your time at Google?
Alan: Search, Universal search, bringing together images, huge web. Doing that all in one place has been very important to me. And also recency. Our advertising and our publishers — the partnerships we have with them is huge.

To read the full, original article click on this link: Google’s Top Innovators On The Cloud, Net Neutrality, And More

Author: Jason Kincaid