The Website
Taste Predictor is a new Twitter tool that analyzes your Twitter
account in order to recommend websites you would like. The project uses
Twitter's OAuth authentication protocol to access your Twitter account
so you don't have to enter in your username and password in order to try
it out. How exactly it works, we can't say. There's no "about" page,
"FAQ" or other explanation. In fact, there's not even a credit as to who
made it, only a URL. But the URL is a big hint: it's hosted on
the domain underneath the subheading ~peretti. And just who is
~peretti? Only the co-founder of the Huffington Post and the
viral tracker BuzzFeed,
Jonah Peretti.
New Twitter Tool From HuffPo and BuzzFeed Co-Founder?
Peretti is a graduate of the MIT Media Lab, has taught at NYU and the Parsons School of Design, consulted for major brands like Sony Pictures and Procter & Gamble and created several viral experiments like the Nike sweatshop email and However, he's best known for co-founding BuzzFeed, The Huffington Post,, and the Eyebeam Open Lab. So if this "Website Taste Predictor" is also his creation (we've contacted him to confirm), you know it's not going to be your run-of-the-mill Twitter tool.
To read the full, original article click on this link: What Websites Do You Like? New Twitter Tool Will Tell You
Author: Sarah Perez