Innovation America Innovation America Accelerating the growth of the GLOBAL entrepreneurial innovation economy
Founded by Rich Bendis


Last Saturday, I woke up early as usual and sat down to write. Checking my e-mails, I came across a weekly Quora summary, and a question that was interesting. The question was “What Happens To The Founder Of A Company Backed By Angel Investors, If It Fails?” I had some views on this, so I wrote this answer. Within a week, my answer had been viewed 200,000 times, upvoted 1.5k times, and republished on Forbes. Here it is in full:

Of my 20+ angel investments, three have failed so far. I have seen three completely different ways this has played out, and it’s proven to be a very valuable experience, especially as I have 30+ pretty damn awesome angel investors in my company, Ometria – UK E-Commerce Intelligence Startup Ometria Raises $1.5M Seed Round | TechCrunch