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One of my favourite books on innovation is ‘The Myths of Innovation’ by Scott Berkun. Berkun is a writer and speaker and former programme manager at Microsoft. Here are Scott Berkun’s 10 myths of innovation summed up in a few words:

  1. The myth of the epiphany: If many innovations are described as magical moments, the truth is often more complex: hard work is required and the Eureka moment often comes at the end of that process.
  2. We understand the history of innovation: Most of the stories we read about innovation aren’t real. Google wasn’t a search engine to start with, nor was Flickr a photo sharing platform. Most innovations are the results of errors, changes and corrections.
  3. There is a method for innovation: Despite our attraction to recipes, innovation is essentially a leap into the unknown. method for innovation is an oxymoron.

To read the full, original article click on this link: Scott Berkun's 10 Innovation Myths | Sterling Performance | BNET

Author: Yann Gourvennec