Innovation America Innovation America Accelerating the growth of the GLOBAL entrepreneurial innovation economy
Founded by Rich Bendis - The Daily Resource for Entrepreneurshe future is mobile, at least according to the entrepreneurs who gathered to mark the second annual World Entrepreneurship Day at the United Nations in New York City.

Hackers, designers, and young entrepreneurs gathered Wednesday in a conference hall usually reserved for dignitaries and diplomats at the United Nations in New York. The occasion? A kick-off for World Entrepreneurship Day, an event conceived of by college junior Lauren Amarante and her mentor Troy Byrd last year when they realized recognized days existed to honor everything from toilets (Nov. 19) to turtles (May 23) to tin cans (Jan. 19), but none existed to celebrate the people who make the U.S. economy tick.

Now that the second Friday of April is officially World Entrepreneurship Day, we thought we’d mark the occasion by sharing some of the take-aways from the speeches and panel discussions by the successful entrepreneurs who gathered at the U.N. for the WED conference

The panelists ranged from first-time business-owners, such as Lev Ekster, who decided to abandon his legal training to sell cupcakes on the streets of New York, to serial entrepreneurs and investors, such as Esther Dyson and Marc Ecko. They shared fresh ideas, wisdom from their trades, futurist visions and investment dreams. What follows is a few highlights.

To read the full, original article click on this link: 6 Lessons from World Entrepreneurship Day

Author: Christine Lagorio