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Founded by Rich Bendis I discussed yesterday, it looks like streetcars are making a comeback. Curious about which cities are on the move? The Community Streetcar Coalition held a summit earlier this year in Alexandria, Virginia where it brought together people working to get new streetcars running in 22 cities across the nation.

Cities that may be constructing streetcar lines within a year or two are below, as well as a few insights on and expectations for those most likely to be built.

Cities working on plans to create their first modern streetcar lines include:

* Little Rock, Arkansas
* Los Angeles, California
* Sacramento, California
* Fort Lauderdale, Florida
* Atlanta, Georgia
* Boise, Idaho
* New Orleans, Louisiana
* Baltimore, Maryland
* Grand Rapids, Michigan
* Charlotte, North Carolina
* Cincinnati, Ohio
* Columbus, Ohio
* Lake Oswego, Oregon
* Providence, Rhode Island
* Dallas, Texas
* Fort Worth, Texas
* San Antonio, Texas
* Salt Lake City, Utah
* Arlington, Virginia
* Kenosha, Wisconsin
* Tucson, Arizona
* Washington, D.C.

To read the full, original article click on this link: 22 Cities that May Have New Streetcar Lines Within 2 Years: Scientific American

Author: Zachary Shahan