If you're a cash-strapped entrepreneur looking for an infusion of capital, you may be curious about angel investors. Very few start-ups will receive an investment from an angel—in 2007, fewer than sixty thousand companies received angel funding, a relatively small figure considering more than ten times that many businesses are started each year. But for the right small business, this type of capital can fill the gap between that money you've gotten from friends and family and the venture capital that you hope to secure down the road.
So who is an angel exactly? An angel is a wealthy individual willing to
invest in a company at its earlier stages in exchange for an ownership
stake, often in the form of preferred stock or convertible debt. Angels
are considered one of the oldest sources of capital for start-up
entrepreneurs; the term itself, by most accounts, comes from the
affluent patrons who used to finance Broadway plays in the early
twentieth century. In 2007, angels invested $26 billion in 57,120
ventures, which breaks down to about $450,000 a deal, according to the
Center for Venture Research at the University of New Hampshire in
Durham. That makes angels a potentially powerful resource for newbie
entrepreneurs with promising young companies.
To read the full, original article click on this link: What's an Angel Investor? - WSJ.com