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Creativity fosters innovation, but how can you ignite creative sparks within your organization? We’ve compiled lessons on developing and maintaining a vibrant research and development strategy.

To come up with their best new ideas, most companies turn to an inexpensive and efficient source of innovation: their own employees. How can you unleash the creative spirit lurking in your workforce? Here are eight of the best strategies we've uncovered in recent months.

1. Let Every Employee Play Designer.

Three years ago, the five-person research and development team at pet-accessory company West Paw Design had a case of collective writer's block. A production manager named Seth Partain proposed holding a contest for the company's three-dozen employees. Everyone from salespeople to seamstresses were encouraged to spend an afternoon designing and producing prototypes for new products. Following an end-of-day vote, a winner was crowned at an award ceremony. By making employees feel a part of the idea-creation process, West Paw Design set up a new  pipeline of product development. Read more.

To read the full, original article click on this link: 8 Ways to Foster Innovation in Your Company

Author: Inc. Staff